Hedwig Village Police Services
Call 713-461-4797 for more information on any of our services
Vacation House Watch
If you plan on leaving your home unattended for any period of time, whether it's just for a few days or even for a few months, please utilize our Vacation House Watch service. We will keep an eye on your home while you are away. Call our department anytime to place your home on our Vacation House Watch list or submit your request online HERE.
Residential and Business Checks
The consequences of burglary, theft and related property crimes reach well beyond the monetary loss suffered by victims. Residents and business owners experience a unique sense of violation when victimized by a burglar or a thief. The Hedwig Village Police Department is dedicated to protecting the property of our residents and business owners. To that end, HVPD has developed an aggressive Residential and Business Check program.
Community Services
Members of the Hedwig Village Police Department stand ready to interact with members of the community at every opportunity. We are available to speak to your employees, social group, or students on any number of safety related topics. For a more personal touch, call us and arrange a home security visit. Business security surveys are available as well. Please contact HVPD at least two weeks in advance with your special request. Security survey requests can also be made online HERE.
Fingerprint Services
The Hedwig Village Police Department offers fingerprint services. Please view this FINGERPRINT SERVICE GUIDELINE.
E-mail Notification List
Residents and businesses in the City of Hedwig Village can opt to subscribe to our E-mail Notification List. Subscribers to our E-mail Notification List will receive crime alerts and crime reports directly from our Chief of Police.